In the Village is any bus stop and any other civic amenities as is for exmaple school or shop.
Now we could say that in the village is modern Renaissance. It originate here an Civil Association Plezom which has started to take care about the prime of Plezom and that not only about the culture but as well about the appearance. More information about the Civil Association Plezom you may found in subchaptor Associations.
In the middle of the village green stands a chapel which is now under restoration. The biggest participation on the restoration has the Civil Association Plezom which has work on it 260 hours. The Village Oselin has of course as well done a bit and that by purchase of material and by finances. Further have as well done a bit primary residents now citisens of Germany.
Village Oselin let reconstruct the road between Plezom and Upper Plezom during the year 2010 and year 2011.