History of the village Oselin and it's neighbourhood
First marks about the village Oselin comes from the year 1379 when was the Village owned by the knight Ulrich von Oschelin, with this property he owned a nother three villages. The knight Ulrich von Oschelin was in years 1380 till 1402 patron of the church in Meclov. He miss out on Oselin during his life and that before the year 1413 when was the village passed to possession to the Sir Habarta from Malenic and ufter him to possession from Sir Petra younger Kovar from Strhar, which was Sir of Oselin in years from 1419 till 1425 whan it was passed to his descendants.
About the fortress which was probably rebuilded to castle is mentioned first in year 1497. Fortress was bought by Jan Lejtolt from Ebrnic, after his death passes on his descendants. In year 1545 was possession of Oselin split on two halfs, when one-half gained Lejlolt and the second Jachym. To union of Oselin came again in year 1585 and that by Sir Kaspar from Kecov which one half inherit and the second bought from Lady Maruse from Ebrnic.
After the death of Sir Kaspar from Kecov inherit the estate and the fortress Anna from Kecov which has sold to Sir Jana Bartolomej Sirntyngar from Sirtynk which was Protestant. From this reason get to it that in year 1622 was his possession confiscated, but Oselin was still in possession of his wife Anna. One year after this Jan Bartolomej dies. Both of them are buried in Church of Oselin. After her death was Oselin passed on her descendants.
As remark could we take Henry Zikmund which was in year 1717 advanced in status of yeoman. Henry died in year 1719 and is buried in Ulice. After his dead inherit Oselin Sir Henry Schirnding which in year 1722 applied to Prag archbishopric for grant authorization for the repair of the Church of Oselin. In this time was build the crypt of descent Schirnding. After his death have his descendant have Oselin sold and Oselin went from one owner to other.
In year 1798 get Oselin in to possession of descent Bigatto wher Josef von Bigatto joined the state of Oselin with the state of Svojsin. However was Josef childless so his fortune inherit his relative Karl Anton yeoman von Juncker which henceforth used cognomen Bigatto. Bigatto owned the castle Oselin till year 1935 after that inherit the castle doctor Klement Podevile.
What has happend with the castle during the second world war is not know. After the year 1945 passed the Castel over to the ownership of the state which used it for public purpose. From the state came the Castle to ownership government estates. They made on castle in year 1971 repairs. Now is the castle owned by private person. As remark can we take that already in year 1925 was in castle allocated the Czech minority school. As school it was used as well after the war. After that it was used by grange and office. Now it is not used.
Village is located in 478m elevation above sea-level, fragment of the village, run through river Mze wher is children camp and railway-station. About 2 km westward from Oselin stood on the swampland surrounded by forest was village Kozlov. First remarks are from year 1379 when she belonged to Oselin. From 16.cent. reminded as deserted. Later it was build here couple of cottages, two of them are here till know.