Civic amenities
In the Village we can found following civic amenities:
- Grocery
- Library
- Post office
- Tavern
- Cultural center
In the Village there is any nursery and any school. The nearest nursery ist in the village Svojsin which can be found ca 6km from the village Oselin. In the village Svojsin can be found as well the school which can the children visit till the fift class after that they have to go to the surrounding cities and that to Cernosin or from Stribro.
Traffic accessability
Direct on the village square can be found bus stop from which connections to Cernosin and Bor u Tachova. Two kilometers from Village can be found train stop from which goes the train to Cheb or Pilsen. Below you can found routs, all actual changes you may found on the web side :
Bus direction Cernosin
- 04:42 - only working days
- 07:03 - only working days
- 14:20 - only working days
Bus direction Bor u Tachova
- 04:22 - only working days
- 06:08 - only working days
- 16:06 - only working days
Train direction Pilsen
- 06:26 - only working days and sathurday
- 08:26 - each day
- 12:26 - each day
- 14:26 - only working days
- 18:26 - only working days and sunday
- 20:26 - each day
Train direction Cheb
- 04:54 - only working days
- 07:28 - each day
- 13:28 - only working days
- 15:28 - each day
- 17:28 - each day
- 19:28 - each day